How To Prepare For An Interview In Yachting?

First impressions count and in luxury yachting the details count even more.. We recommend

Be on time and alert.  Have a good night’s sleep to show yourself to your advantage.

Be smartly presented.  Neatly pressed clothes, clean-cut, with low key make-up/accessories.

Have impeccable personal hygiene.  Down to the details of manicured fingernails and fresh smelling clothes.  

Language and posture.  Make sure you are sitting up straight, respectfully looking the interviewer in the eye and letting him finish his questions before answering them.  Keep your language educated and formal, even if the interviewer may seem more casual.

Be honest and natural.   If you are a smoker, say so.   If you have a health problem that requires specific medication, say so.  Don’t exaggerate your skillset and if you don’t know the answer to a question, admit to it.  Within the confines of a yacht, you will soon be found out and risk humiliation and dismissal.  For newcomers, the hiring manager wants to be sure you have the right attitude and will fit seamlessly into the crew dynamics – duties can be learned, personalities are hard to change.

Switch off your phone.

Show motivation

Research the yacht and the duties involved as much as possible – ready to answer interview questions and prepared to ask informed questions.

A hiring manager wants to hear that you are looking to commit to the contract and are fully aware of the hard work expected of you.  He wants to hear that your motivation is career development, passion for being at sea, working and living in a close-knit team and you show enjoyment / have the potential for the duties waiting for you.  He does not want to hear that your primary motivator is salary or Wi-Fi on board.

Indeed, questions regarding contracts and salary should be left until the final stages of the interview, if not already shared by the hiring manager.

Thank the interviewer for his time.  If you have the boat contact details, send a follow-up email expressing your serious interest in the position.


Confidentiality is crucial in this luxury sector, with many yachts owned by well-known UHNWIs.  The hiring manager will need assurance that you can be trusted to be discrete.  So, never criticise or gossip about previous employers in an interview or on social media.

Remember the interview process is two-way.  The hiring manager is judging if you’re fit for the team as much as you are deciding whether this is the yacht for you.

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